The Wonderful Fish Bowl Life

Living in community with those you serve and those with whom you serve is one of the most unique experiences you can give yourself. You learn very quickly what makes your fellow community members tick. You learn their love languages, their ways of expressing frustration, their likes, and their dislikes. You learn their pet peeves…

The Strength Within

Courage has been one of the qualities for which I have consistently requested prayers during my time a Maggie’s Place. You can ask my fellow MissionCorps; it’s pretty much my staple prayer request! I realize how many times I am feeble in addressing certain issues with the moms and holding them accountable to the rules,…

We Are Family

A few weeks ago, one of our moms here had her four older children—three sons and one daughter— over for a sleepover. While we were making lunch, her kids were having a discussion about what makes a person rich. One piped up and said, “You are rich if you have gold!” while another chimed in…